Friday, December 15, 2006


What is happening? We win the race, I thought there would be a celebration in our team or something to raise up our morale. But nothing is happening! No celebration, no gathering, nothing is happening. Our member seems doesn't care anymore about the team.

I don't know what to do, I really confused. I try to gather us together to discuss some issues or just to have fun and celebrating the victory. I tried many times asking the previous PM to held a meeting, but no one care. When the new PM is elected, nothing is changed. Come on, at least we should have a meeting once before the second assignment is starting.

I don't know, maybe I'm just too passionate about the game, or maybe I'm not using the right word when asking.

Arrggghh . . . . . . !

I don't know! I hate this situation! I'm beginning to hate the Team!

What should I do? I start to think to do nothing and let others decide what they want to do, even if it leads us to ruin. And when the time come, it will be a life time decision, do or not to do. Meanwhile, it seems I have to trust the PM and other member.

I have to be very-very passion about it.

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